


You think Husband in a Jar freaks you out?

So now that I'm getting a new castle and all, people are starting to offer to help me move, and decorate.  Problem is, they just get freaked out when I say.. no that can not go there, that is where HUSBAND IN A JAR sits.  Or, don't open that closet, I have HUSBAND IN A JAR there.. freaks their asses out.. like screaming freaks em out.. 

7 out of 10 Women Say....

I recently did a little survey about husbands.. and I'm telling you here is what I discovered.

Years ago, I got HUSBAND IN A JAR... which we all know pissed me off for a very long time.. Not that he's in the damn jar, just how and when he got there.

It's a real shock to your system to one day be walking into one of the finest dining establishments with a six foot cowboy on your arm then go to driving through McDonalds with a fucking red jar strapped in a car seat!  You WILL be pissed off for a long time over that shit.

Doing Mach 70 in Ford!

So those that know us in real life know that about 3 times during the summer months the generations of Royals go back to the village of the common folk.  

PWT has decided that in my old age it is not safe for me to do the driving and she will take over that task.. god help us all..  

We just took that little journey a couple weeks ago for the second time this summer.  Fuck me running, my nerves will never be the same.

Don't Forget to Pull the Rip Cord

When your life spirals, it's a pretty scary ride.  If you can stay calm on the way down there is a hell of a view.

You can clearly see those that let you down.

You can clearly see those who stood by you.

You can clearly see every mistake you made.

You can clearly see every olive branch you extended.