


Aging without Grace and Dignity.

That's right folks, there is NO grace or dignity in growing older.  Things you take for granted are the very things you can't trust when you get old.

One thing is, we need naps.  In our younger days we could party all night, run home and shower, go to work, rinse and repeat.  That ain't happening when you get older.   Now its, go to work, be thankful you work from home cause you are too tired to shower, where's my bed.

Does not help that for the last three weeks I've been sick.  Started out with an allergy/fall cold combo.  The old ONE TWO punch.  Then, that crap drained into my guts and started making me puke... then we got to the DON'T TRUST THE FART stage.  That's right folks, when you are old you can not TRUST THE FART.   Yep, been feelin like while everyone else was bobbin for apples, I was bobbin for E coli.

AnywhoIwassaying,  So, back to the nap.  Not only do you need naps, if you deny your body these quick naps things go horribly wrong for those around you.  Furthermore, deny your body these quick naps and sooner or later you will crash...  and when people crash,,, strange shit happens in their dreams.

Yesterday was just such a day.  I had denied my body the half hour naps it so desperately needed and finally crashed.. and while I was crashed.. the voices took over.. thus  the following dream  (you should be very happy these assholes do not live in YOUR head)

To truly understand the humor you may want the google map up.. I'll wait.......................
Ok,,  I drove from KANSAS to Callaway Nebraska,,, where,, I left my husband with my Mother (both are dead, but I left Dad in charge of them anyway).

Took the daughter and drove to Burwell, where we were going to camp at the Calamus Reservoir.  However, for some reason the daughter decides we need to set the tent up IN BURWELL at the county fairgrounds in the cow barn. 

Knowing how much she hates camping, I agree just to keep her from turning into the Sybil we all know she becomes when forced to go camping.  So, tent is set up and we head to Calamus Reservoir.  We can't find it.. 

At that point we drive all the way back to Callaway, where we proceed to ask my Mother (who's dead) how to get from Burwell to Calamus Reservoir.  Then we drive back to Burwell to our campsite, only to find my big brother also demands to camp in the cow barn.

It was at that point I woke up.. pissed at my daughter.. pissed at my brother.. pissed at the dead people,, and demanding to know how all this took place during a half hour nap.  

So, you think getting old is going to be fun?  Think again.  This is not the strangest dream I've ever had.  When I deny my body it's nap... my mind pays..  Once, fence posts turned in to people as I drove down a road. 

There is no dignity in getting old.  Plan to avoid it if at all possible.  Or, get a blog.. you will need the outlet for your wandering brain..

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  1. Haha. We do not want to Google map your brain. It would include highways and byways, dirt roads, off road driving...you get my snowbank. Getting old is not something I am embracing like people tell me to...I'm fighting it all the way and frankly, I'm not ready. I want to be able to go and do whatever I want and not be stoved up all the time or fat or out of breath. And then there is that one day where you don't get any sex...whether it is in tandum or self-inflicted. I'm pretty sure that will be the day I find out I went to hell.

    1. Oh you innocent little woman.. ONE DAY .. ha.. oh I want to live long enough to see you get old.. ONE DAY WITHOUT?????? snort!

  2. I have 20+ years on you and am still going pedal to the metal! Pop some vitamin C, wash it down with some wine and get back on the horse that threw you... Hugs~~~

    1. Will do, as soon as it doesn't shoot out the other end the minute it hits my guts.. until then.. I'm getting back on the throne that I worship at this moment.


I have more personalities than you have bras. Deal with it. Do your best to keep up. Feel free to leave a comment, chocolate or gin, your choice! Oh, if you stopped by wearing your asshole pants... I have no problem with nasty bullshit. I'll dish it back to you so fast you'll choke on it.. so go ahead... make my day!