I'm sorry guys, but if you are in need of this little jewel.. please listen to Bobo. If Bobo is not rising to the occasion, Bobo is tired. Bobo knows when it's time to hand over the keys and just not drive anymore. Bobo knows he is too old and too shaky to get behind the wheel. He knows he is just too blind to go into dark tunnels. His night vision is just not what it use to be. Bobo knows it's time to find a hobby. Bobo knows, please listen to Bobo.
Then, there is this little jewel that is now being advertised on TV. Shoe horn on a stick.
I'm sorry, if you are too old to put on your slippers, just stay in bed. It's God's way of telling you that we have enough broken hipped old fuckers laying around as it is. I'm thinking if you are too weak to push on your shoe hard enough to slip it on,, then.. frankly... you are just too damn weak to be out and about. How in the world will you survive in a dog eat dog world? If you buy one of these, please get the double offer and carry it everywhere you go. One in each hand. Use it for a cane when needed.. and a weapon when the young punks figure out you are the weakest of the weak and attack you.. other than that.. I see no reason to waste your children's inheritance on this piece of shit. They want to take a wild vacation after you kick the bucket and you need to save your money so it's there for them..
what really pisses me off about this thing is the extra that comes with it and the way they advertise it. A shoe shiner.. and he's bending down to shine his fucking shoe... He can't put his shoe on.. but he can bend down once it's on and shine the fucker...WTF? The guy in this ad should be put in a nice home, in a room at the end of the hall, and forgotten about. He is just too stupid to live..
We are not even going to go here... the POSTtVAC.
Unless they are our hookers. Those bitches split, with our shoes and best wine. In order to keep the booze flowing, I was going to buy one of those. Then I decided that it was kinda like a vacuum cleaner. WE HAVE A VACUUM CLEANER! The effin ting never gets used, so I decided to cut out the middle man. I glued hair around the opening, rigged it to a parking meter, and have it chained to the back fence. I know, I'm a genius, you're welcome!