


Newest Gov. Program! Let's get behind it with our dollars!

  Do you ever think about your life?  What you endured.  Who you loved and lost?
I REALLY try not to do that much.  It bothers me.  I didn't have a fun childhood.  I screwed up my life with a couple marriages that never should have been.  But.. I did do one thing right... I made the Princess.. aka PWT.

I can say, I was never arrested for weed,, or for assault,,, or stalking... so I did do a few things right.  But still, I did a lot of things wrong.

I wonder if I went back and did it again if I would change anything.  I don't really think I would.  I think what I did helped me get through what I was trying to get through.  I think what I lived through made me a stronger, tougher person.

 Because of what I went through, I have no need to be where I'm not wanted.  I would make a terrible stalker because I really don't worry about people who don't want me around.    I would never sneak around and watch what someone is doing, because my life can't go on without knowing.   I would not have the urge to sneak into their backyard to watch them.  While I had a stalker for twenty years, I could never understand why he was so interested.  He was inspired by my every mood, every move, and every word.

No way would I let another person have that kind of control over me.  My life is too busy to have time to do that.  Why would anyone, in today's world, with so many choices, want to be a stalker?

I also know that my past is the reason I could never be a stalker.  I have practiced the fine art of walking away for 50 + years.  I've become a pro at it.  No one in this life (other than the few family members I have) could influence me enough that I would want to stalk them.

What kind of life would someone have to have lived, to become a stalker?  It makes me feel so sorry for that type of person.  The kind that stalks another person.   The kind that needs to know every thing they do.  That kind of person makes me sad.

Life is so short, you should be out there living it.  You should be watching out for those that love you.  You should be working on making your life better, for you and your loved ones.

I often wonder what a stalkers family and loved ones go through.  The time that is spent stalking another human being, is time taken away from family ... from  life... and from work.

I think we need the government to make a Federal Program.  PETS FOR STALKERS... I think stalkers should all be given a pet.  Pets take your mind off what is bugging you.  I know that, because about the time I'm missing the King, feeling sorry for myself because he had to go and leave me here..TINK has to shit...  Yeppper... a ten  pound dog jumping up and down and giving you that..."TAKE ME OUT OR I'LL SHIT IN YOUR SHOE!" look, takes your mind off what you're focused on.  By the time you get back, you've forgotten what was bugging you..

I would pay 2 cents on the dollar to help support this program.  Think how much money we would save if all stalkers had a pet to worry about.  Ex husbands and Ex wives, could sleep better at night knowing their stalker was busy with their pet.  Bloggers could feel better about blogging their true thoughts if they knew their mean old neighbor lady was too busy with her pet to read her blog.

I'm just saying.. The Queen doesn't come up with good ideas very often, but when I do.. I really expect your government to get behind me and support me..  So, get out a pen and write your representative to explain my plan....  I hope to see..
PETS FOR STALKERS... in action before the year 2014.  So get on board..  We know it works.. we have gators...and we don't stalk anyone.. We throw em in the mote    We just move on..

Have a great day.....   Please pray for a stalker..... it's the right thing to do...
TAKE ME HOME! The Queen signing off

Sound off Bitches

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1 comment:

  1. hahaha, pray for a stalker. you crack me up. But it is a good idea. And maybe the dogs can be trained to bite the crap out of their owner if they start stalking. win win.


I have more personalities than you have bras. Deal with it. Do your best to keep up. Feel free to leave a comment, chocolate or gin, your choice! Oh, if you stopped by wearing your asshole pants... I have no problem with nasty bullshit. I'll dish it back to you so fast you'll choke on it.. so go ahead... make my day!