


Miss me much?

Yes, I have been MIA
I took a little tour across the internet highway, just to see what is offered.....and I fucking got hit by a damn truck.  I toured
and TikTok

oh that fucking TikTok.
that is one crazy ass world.
I did meet a lot of unusual characters in that world.
we will probably discuss a shitload of them here.

I met a pig, a talking French Fry
a very Groovy person that liked to dox people,
a fucking bird lady
and an entire herd of asses.

It was a real old fashion hillbilly farm scene on TikTok

If you have ever farmed you know what it's like trying to herd chickens.  

That is exactly what trying to find your way thru the mighty world of TikTok is like.

It all started when I met the talking pig.  

Oh how I loved the movie Babe when it came out.  So when I stumbled across a talking pig, you know I was all in.

The Pig appeared to be the leader on the farm but also APPEARED to be very kind... so you know me, I was all in..

and that's when the problem happened. The land of Oz and all it stands for was attacked by a talking pig and her herd of talking Asses.  

Sooo I have returned to blogging.  I am not sure at this time if I will blog about it here or if I will move to another platform.  But trust me when I tell you,  you hookers are gonna want to hear about this shit.

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1 comment:

I have more personalities than you have bras. Deal with it. Do your best to keep up. Feel free to leave a comment, chocolate or gin, your choice! Oh, if you stopped by wearing your asshole pants... I have no problem with nasty bullshit. I'll dish it back to you so fast you'll choke on it.. so go ahead... make my day!