


Happy Easter!

I am spending it in the ER with my favorite gator.  Seems the Easter Bunny can not swim very fast.  Also appears my favorite gator is allergic to Bunnies.  So here we are, waiting to see if they can save a gator.
It all started out very innocent.  The Easter Bunny bid Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy a good evening and headed out on his annual run.  Hopping house to house hiding eggs and filling baskets.  When, he came upon the Royal Kingdom.
Knowing my hookers have gone forth and produced, he knew he had to hit the castle.  So, being a great mythical Bunny God he jumped into the mote and started to swim toward the castles.  Unfortunately , no one gave my gators the memo about Easter, Bunnies that shit out chocolate eggs and the hiding of brightly colored eggs.  All my gators heard at 4:00 A.M. was a splash.